A GUIDE TO HIKING one of Mount Diablo's most popular trails. In the rainy season, it’s as green as Ireland. Waterfalls plunge down steep canyons. Grand vistas are at their clearest. Ferns and mosses cover the rocks. In the 12 segments that follow, we’ll introduce you to a great place to go in the rainy season—or in any season—the Falls Trail.
Featuring Ken Lavin, Burt Bogardus, Paul Cardinet, and Jenn Roe.
in partnership with Save Mount Diablo.
Music Phil Heywood. Video Kendall Oei. Photos Scott Hein and others mentioned below. Animated illustrations Tanya Atwater, University of California Santa Barbara.
Additional photo credits: Burt Bogardus, Sue Chaplin (bybio.wordpress.com), Dan Fitzgerald, Mike Fusaro, Bruce Hamilton, Joan Hamilton, Anastasia Hobbet, jdurant, Bill Karieva (explorediablo.com), Neal Kramer, Troy Montemayor, NOAA, Carl Osbourn, Jennifer Roe, Bill Sattler, Karen Shackleton, USDA.
Special thanks to Steve Beatty, Contra Costa Historical Society, Nancy Dupont, East Bay Regional Park District, Anastasia Hobbet, Tracey Mattson, Concord Mount Diablo Trail Ride Association, NOAA, Mark Sinclair, Mount Diablo State Park, Stephen Smith.

Photo by Scott Hein