A historic place, and a stunning side trip.
Music: “Slippery Slope,” Banks of the River, by Phil Heywood. Photos: Blackhawk Ridge with lupine, ©Scott Hein, www.heinphoto.com; Ansel Mills Easton, courtesy Burlingametrees.org; Easton residence Blackhawk, courtesy Save Mount Diablo; Blackhawk comic, courtesy Save Mount Diablo; two hikers on Blackhawk Ridge, ©Scott Hein, www.heinphoto.com; downhill hikers, ©Scott Hein, www.heinphoto.com; Mount Diablo sunflower, ©Scott Hein, www.heinphoto.com Alameda whipsnake, ©Scott Hein, www.heinphoto.com; rocky pinnacles, ©Scott Hein, www.heinphoto.com; lunch on the ridge, ©Scott Hein, www.heinphoto.com.